11/11/2024 0 Comments Ep. 24 - Turning The PageTo Everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world.... REST! Rest is essential. So essential that when we forget to give our bodies enough of it, our bodies are intelligent enough to just take it! This is also the time to say, I'm releasing this blog one day late because my body was in a rest deficit yesterday! So I had to do what I needed to do lol! The Spanish word of the week is sigueme. Sigueme means "follow me". In today's social media world, "Follow Me" is a common term! So at least you can add this word to your language toolbox when you are building your community, brand or influence on any social platform. If you're interested, "Sigueme a @aarona_thevirgo en el YouTube y Twitter/X" (Follow me at @aarona_thevirgo on YouTube and Twitter/X). Here's a 2-for-1 "siga adelante" which technically means "moving forward" is the equivalent to the popular english phrase, "Move On". You can use that in traffic or however you like lol but "moving on" and turning the page is the theme of today's blog. We have one month left in 2024 and then we will say goodbye to 2024 and usher in a new year (2025) as we do every year and will do every year until the end of time. Here is one thing I want to impress upon the public, tomorrow is NOT promised. So the awareness of your own mortality is both the silver lining NOT to care about BS that won't matter a week from now, a month from now, a year from now and so on. Mortality awareness is also singlemost important fuel of a human life. Knowing that one day I'll be gone inspires me to leave something cool behind. It's just what I personally desire to do... considering that cool is subjective... I've also lowered my expectations on the amount of people who may deem it to be cool lol. I committed myself to a lifetime ( not a moment) of creativity as my way of leaving artifacts of my existence. So being confined to one moment or era of creation is NOT my goal or focus. God has blessed me and is blessing me with the ability to remain here for as long as he sees fit. So in the meantime, I do what I can to keep creating and keep evolving. I LOVE (peep the all caps... it symbolizes IMPORTANCE) I LOVE the creative process in ALL IT'S FORMS... from crafting a joke to crafting a book to crafting music to crafting a meal or a damn cocktail. I LOVE how ALIVE I FEEL when I dance... so I do it often even to the disapproval of others LOL - fuck it and fuck them if they have no zeal about living. It isn't my resposibility to micro-manage the happiness of others. Making sure I protect my own happiness is a FULL TIME JOB! Just like I shared in my previous blog, "The Sweetness Of Doing Nothing" which you can watch below... ...REST is the catalyst to your happiness and everything you want to accomplish in life. So rest as often as you need to and reset as often as you need to. Don't let anybody make you feel fucked up for it! You know what YOU NEED to be in peak performance and should be the only authority on the subject! That's your takeaway this week to stay sane in this crazy world. Get the rest you need so you can keep moving forward, executing your goals, tending to your happiness and making the most out of YOUR LIFE that's YOURS AND YOURS ALONE TO LIVE (the caps mean it's important LOL).
Everyday, we have the opportunity to do or be apart of something amazing... to remind you of that here are some historical things that happened on today's date (at the time of creating this November 10th). On November 10th, The Popular television series "Sesame Street" premiered in 1969. The Windshield Wiper was created and patented on November 10, 1903. On November 10, 1775 The United States Marine Corps was created. On November 10, 1989 The German citizens began tearing down the Berlin Wall. On November 10, 1880 The FIRST long-distance telephone call was made between New Haven, Connecticut and New York City by Alexander Graham Bell... because of his diligence we now have high-speed internet, wifi, tindr and grindr lol cause we keep moving forward and evolving for better or worse! LOL! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To See More of my comedy, musical comedy or other content - Check Out My YouTube Channel: @aarona_thevirgo To Show Support of this blog or my creative content, visit my eStore at https://aaronathevirgoshop.etsy.com
11/3/2024 0 Comments Ep. 23 - Food For ThoughtTo everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty, inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world. You did it. You made it to another week. May this week show you an increase of abundance, peace and create valueable memories. Last week, I shared with everyone the real reason I do this blog is to remind ANYONE who needs/wants the reminder that now matter how crazy life gets, how crazy this world gets they are still loved by God and there is still room and opportunity for good things like love, success, bliss, amusement, fascination and gratitude. Last week, I also made the decision to strucure this blog with more tangible, useful information instead of simply sharing personal perspectives and testimonies. I'm one of those people whose love languages is empowerment. When you are a rose that grows from concrete you constantly move through life overcoming people, places and things that want to thwart your growth. It takes a strong will and outside encouragement to keep pressing forward. The golden rule "Do unto others, as you would want them to do unto you" is one of my mantras. So this blog is one of the ways I can express love for others, giving them the encouragement and common sense reminders that I myself enjoy receiving. So, don't dismayed but all the outside foolishness. Find something this week that lights you up and shuts out negativity. I highly suggest dancing (lol). The Spanish word of the week is "Cualquier" AND "Lo Que Sea" which both mean "Whatever". Whatever in Spanish is such an interesting translation because depending on how you are using "whatever" changes the way you say it. For instance, in Spanish class we learned "Cualquier" which translates to "whichever" because you are nonchalantly choosing between two options. When you would take either option, you would use "cualquier" in a sentence. However, I noticed in REAL WORLD CONVERSATION (lol) I never hear anyone saying "cualquier" (the word I recognize, cause that's how I understand Spanish. I take the words I understand and piece together what people are saying) outside classroom convos. So today I looked up other translations of "whatever" in Spanish and got overwhelmed and realized WHY my Spanish is GHETTO AS HELL! I learned there is also "Cualquiera" (which I'm still not clear on when its appropriate to use that one) and "Lo Que Sea" and more! "Lo Que Sea" is the most common way English speakers use "Whatever". When you are trying to say "People be out here doing WHATEVER cause they just do anything" you would use "Lo Que Sea". I find this all interesting and will further learn more about these words for "Whatever" this week. I invite you to share insight to it if you are a Spanish-speaker and also indulge in learning something new to add to your language toolbox if you are not a Spanish-Speaker. Below is a video about my first time in Mexico and it features some of my ghetto spanish lol. Lastly, I received an email from an associate today and it included a POWERFUL quote from one of my favorite comedians Dick Gregory. The quote is "Love is very dangerous if you just have love and don't have the ability to be loveable." This quote floored me AND motivated me to put out this blog and serve this community. This quote also had me examining the ways I give and receive love. Love is awesome and comes in MANY FORMS. The LOVE of a hobby for example can be very fulfilling. One of the ways we can stay sane in this crazy world is to live in such a way that invites more love IN. When we do that, we can create more, achieve more, become healthier phyiscally and build worthwhile partnerships. When we do these things, we will be so busy laughing at all the crazy shit this world be doing that we will remain untouched by it. So your weekly, witty inspo to stay sane in this crazy world and love more anyway and respond to world's craziness with Cualquier, Lo Que Sea... "Whatever the fuck whatever" or "I love that for you" lol.
Today is November 3rd, and before I end this, I wanted to share some historic things that took place on this date. No matter WHAT the world is doing... there is still room to make history, transmute negativity into productivity and invent new things! On today's date - General Electric Company, most commonly known as GE the lightbulb manufacturing company and original owner of The CBS Network was formed on November 3, 1892. Today is also "National Sandwich Day" created to honor the birth of John Montagu who invented the sandwhich to keep his hands clean while playing cards and eating lol. Who said you cannot have the BEST of BOTH WORLDS? You Got This Boo!! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To See More of my Comedy Content, Musical Comedy content and Podcast content - Check out my YouTube Channel @aarona_thevirgo 10/27/2024 0 Comments Ep. 22 - Easy Like Sunday MorningFor everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in a crazy world. Tranquilo. Tranquilo in Spanish means be easy, relax, calm down or don't worry. Truthfully, it's one of my favorite Spanish words!
I woke up joyful and energetic today. I was ready to both tackle the day and my to-do list and then I suddenly realized it was later then I thought. Initially, I felt like worrying and hurrying but my spirit whispered "tranquilo". Tranquilo has been the theme for the day ever since. It's a soothing, simple word that reminds us that "despite they way things look, everything is okay, everything happens for a reason and within divine timing" so relax. The news cycle this week WAS WILD! There were lots of comical and crazy things that occured. I will include a few of them in my podcast "Coolin With AaronaTheVirgo" but moving forward with this blog, I want to try and teach something weekly. In addition to reminding you that God loves you and is with you EVERY WEEK (really everyday) despite how crazy the world gets, I want impart useful knowledge you may not know OR need a reminder about. LOL, so if you didn't know the Spanish word "tranquilo" NOW you know it! It means "relax, calm down, be easy and don't worry". Hopefully, last week you learned the ins and outs of Roe V. Wade and the evolution of it. Here is something else you may or may not know... On today's date, October 27th the New York City Subway System opened for the first time in 1904! I really love history and so moving forward, I'll include more "On Today's Date" type of information. Can you guess what else happened on October 27th? Well, October 27th is also an important date in history because in 1962 The United States and Soviet Union took a step back from the brink of Nuclear War. In 1659, on October 27th Quakers were executed for their religious beliefs... aren't you GLAD you live in 2024? In 2004, The Boston Red Sox won their 1st championship since 1918. October 27th is also famous for being former President Theodore Roosevelt's (1858) and Mafia boss John Gotti's (1940) birthdays. So there you have it, even history teaches us about the ebb and flow of societies and culture. I point this out to say, whatever it is you are witnessing and experiencing always remember "tranquilo". All we can control is ourselves and moving through our days, weeks, months KNOWING that God loves us, we are here on purpose because we are not dead and there is something rich and enjoyable about everyday we are alive despite the weirdos, the mean people and the evil people (smile). That's your takeaway for this week to stay sane in this crazy world, "tranquilo". Cause no matter how old the Earth is and how far back history stretches, there has always been obstacles to happiness, people fighting over SOMETHING, new babies being born and new innovations being made in spite of it all. If today is one of those days where the worst is happening, just know that there is STILL TIME and it is quite possible to achieve/accomplish something great. You GOT THIS BOO! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To See More of my Comedy, Sketch Comedy or Musical Comedy - Check out my YouTube Channel @aarona_thevirgo and be on the lookout for my alternative channel hosting my comedy, podcasts and Zumba workouts on https://rumble.com/user/aaronathevirgo 10/20/2024 0 Comments Ep. 21 - The 80s Babies RevengeTo everyone, especially 80s Babies, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in a crazy world. I saw a tweet about how college women are saying the are only voting for Kamala Harris because of her stance on abortion and it broke my heart because anyone who has been paying close attention to our vice President that has (as Governor Ron DeSantis put it) "been airdropped" into the presidential campaign you know that her interest in abortion is disingenuous.
It has nothing to do with the wellness and happiness of women. In fact, it's for a much sinister reason. I spare y'all the receipts in this blog but I will point out ONE of the sinister reasons... population control. It was initially inspired by eugenics. VP Harris' interest is solely financial - Check out Washington Examiner's story on her 2015 video suppression of California Planned Parenthood's selling off aborted fetuses and organs. A similar story surfaced this year in Houston about another Planned Parenthood doing the same thing and Kamala Harris tried to suppress that evidence. She is not for the wellness and wellbeing of women. She is a self-serving, bag chaser that's willing to harm children if it gets her closer to her personal goals. It has more to do with creating a new wave of childless women and move forward with their investments in transhumanism. The research currently being done to explore transhumanism HAS BEEN happening and will continue to happen whether Kamala Harris is President or not so if that's the only issue she is passionate about the movement will continue without her and she is really irrelevant. If she doesn't have any other helpful policies to offer the American people to improve their home lives, family lives, work lives and their communities. Her campaign is irrelevant. Worst of all, she is basing her campaign and being passionate about a lie! Roe V Wade was never overturned. Women CAN STILL GET ABORTIONS. The only thing that happened was it got modified TO STATES RIGHTS REGULATION so that the states that do not believe in or support abortion can exercise their "states rights" and provide a community and government that caters to its residents. This is ALL VERY CONSTITUTIONAL! The 10th Amendment established "States Rights" to keep America from being a dictatorship! We ELECT A PRESIDENT and that President's job is to manage and make the tough decisions OF the country FOR the citizens of the country NOT control their beliefs or how they vote. The 10th Amendment exists to BASICALLY PROTECT AMERICAN CITIZENS FROM DOGMA and COMMUNISM. The ONLY POLITICAL CANDIDATE who is trying to block the use of 10th Amendment for political gain because she has no other talking points is Kamala Harris. So young women who don't know the constitution or may not have been paying attention to the news don't even know they are being flat out lied to. Truthfully, if they really cared to know their rights they would inform themselves. Unfortunately, we all have been guilty of not prioritizing the finer details of political science. So your takeaway this week to stay sane in this crazy world is to exercise gratitude for being alive in a time where you can get the information. Being alive in a time where you can take action and vote. 60 years ago depending on your color, you couldn't take action and vote. Being grateful that you are living in an era of smartphones and can educate yourself immediately and constantly. You can be grateful that Biden-Harris administration is coming to an end and if the current polls are correct, America will re-elect Donald Trump and at least your freedom of speech will continue to stay protected and not silenced. You can be grateful that right now you have the ability to laugh at and point out anything you find absurd about this crazy world and turn it into content that monetizes. We made it to another week. Try to laugh and smile as much as you can and don't be afraid to reject sucka shit! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To see more of my comedy, musical comedy and other content - Check out My YouTube Channel @aarona_thevirgo 10/13/2024 0 Comments Ep. 20 - Where The Wild Things AreTo everyone especially artists, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world! Take inventory!
I used to be a bartender and a store manager. In both positions, my daily duties involved taking inventory. Everyday, I needed to know WHAT WAS IN STOCK AND READY TO SELL. Inventory is a very helpful tool to help us see what we have available to be of service to FIRST OURSELVES and then to others. We are under one month out from our next Presidential Election in the United States. At this time, the American people are pulling the receipts of old campaign promises and the results of this current administration and the previous administration. This is taking inventory. After taking inventory, the American people who do not have ties Blackrock or Vanguard are tired of the current leadership of our country. So much so that previously leaders once championed have fell from grace - looking at YOU Barack Obama! One thing about the true American spirit, is courage under fire. When comes down to doing what's right and being there for each other- race, sexual preference, pronouns and job titles don't really matter. When it comes to improving your own quality of life in the wake of a natural disaster, none of those identity catagories are remotely relevant or considered. So now it's inventory time and everyday Americans are realizing what's true and what's false when it comes to what we are being told about our economy, border, candidates, foreign policy and even our healthcare system. It all can feel like a bad dream when you wake up and realize that your own government thinks everything you accomplished and accumulated in life is petty and fair game for them to steal, confiscate, destroy or buy out for their political gain. Prayers to everyone affected by Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton! So your takeaway this week to stay sane in this crazy world is take inventory then take action to protect your future. Get to know the numbers. Find out exactly what percentage has illegal border crossings increase. The last figure I checked was it was up 206% which is a disgrace. Get to know how much money was spent and wasted everywhere else except your community where you work, pay taxes and sleep. Take inventory and take action on November 5th to put the candidate of your choice in office to combat the underperformance of this current administration. I'm voting Trump but I mentioned previously on this blog their are 3 other candidates running for Presidential office outside of Trump and Kamala. I never tell y'all what to do. I just entertain you (or make you aware of the truth) and appeal to your common sense. They thought locking Diddy up was gonna distract the general public from focusing on the election and our moral obligation to not destroy this world so the children of tomorrow can enjoy and benefit from it just as we did. Take inventory in your personal life as well! Everybody smiling in face ain't your friend. Watch people closely and promote, hire and fire accordingly! We all deserve a spiritually rich life and corrupt company can block all that. We made it to another week and here's to many, many more! God Bless ya'll and thanks for reading! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian, AaronaTheVirgo To see more of my comedy, musical comedy and other content - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel @aarona_thevirgo 10/6/2024 0 Comments Ep. 20 - Empathy Is The EqualizerTo Everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world. We here in the United States Of America have collectively suffered a terrible tragedy in Hurricane Helene. The states and cities it hit directly suffered the most. Those places experienced complete devastation and it will take YEARS before they are the same again. According to various news sources and anonymous US Military members, the death toll is over 500! At a time like this, the United States witnessed BOTH the sheer evil of greed and manipulation by our current administration AND the heartbeat of humanity.
A plethora of footage all over the world wide web shows people acting as neighbors and friends working together for the common goal of the search and rescue of Hurricane Helene's victims. That movement was compounded by other Americans from other locations flying in to bring resources and supplies. In addition to bring resources, they also assisted with more searches and rescues. For everyone else who could not be present or give resources - prayers were sent. Then we all learned collectively as a country that our nation is broke when it comes to disaster assistance due to the mishandling of the funds. The most ridiculous part of getting the news that Biden and Kamala are still aiming for new lows while in office and will go down as the most GHETTO administration this country has ever seen. We also collectively learned that Kamala's husband, Doug Emhoff has invested a major chunk of his retirement funds in BlackRock and Vanguard - the two companies who want the lithium from Iron Mountain and offered to buy it last year. To add more insult to injury that our country is being ran by heartless psychopaths, we also learned that FEMA was blocking people from helping. FEMA was turning people around, threatening arrests of people who wanted to help and also making people fill out permits in order to help. Which is just an obvious way of using this tragedy to unlawfully collect people's personal data. When REALITY LIKE THIS... It's enough to make sane people go mad. But thank God for all the sensible, empathetic people who know what the right thing to do is and are not scared of doing it anyway despite the weird, inhumane behavior of FEMA and our Executive Branch of government. So your takeaway to stay sane in this crazy world is to remember, "Empathy is the Equalizer". When you have experienced great tragic loss, you can empathize with people being struck by tragedy. When you remember that you are doing the best you can and so it everyone else, you learn how to administer grace. When you remember that we all bleed blood and inhale oxygen, you don't let the weirdos divide us. Instead, you stand u for yourself AND YOUR FELLOW MAN/WOMAN. When you imagine who you would've or could've lost in that terrible storm, your heart goes out to all the survivors - praying for their peace, health and comfort. Cause thats what NORMAL, non-reptilian people do! We work too hard and deserve too much love and happiness to ever let cantankerous people rob us of our God-Given rights. Even the founding fathers acknowledged that "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" were unalienable rights! Empathy for our fellow man is gonna get us closer to God and closer to the highest form of ourselves. When are deliberate and non-negotiable about loving our neighbors as ourselves, we create a better environment for everyone involved. OF COURSE, we won't be able to convert the cantankerous people who rather see tragedy as a way to finesse the vulnerable. Part of staying sane inside the reality of witnessing evil people is knowing that there always were assholes who existed in life and there will always be assholes existing in life... just don't be one of them... unless it's funny and not hurting anyone. Heavy on the not hurting anyone. People trying to play God will always get the rude awakening that they are NOT GOD but you remaining empathetic can save a life, while adding value to your own! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To See More of my comedy, musical comedy and other content - Check Out My Youtube Channel @aarona_thevirgo 9/29/2024 0 Comments Ep. 19 - Make A Joyful NoiseFor Everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty, inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world! Two weeks ago a launched a new podcast called, "Coolin With AaronaTheVirgo". I have to admit that being back into the podcasting space as a career comedian and a broadcast journalist IS EXCITING. It's exciting to be able to throw myself back into topics and disciplines I enjoy and discovering what new things I can learn or what funny things I notice about them.
I'm a lifelong advocate of laughter as a past-time, as healing medicine for the soul and a convenient distraction to houdini your way out of awkward exchanges. In fact, I've lost count of how many times I had to Moonwalk out of conversations and situations gone bad. It's created a host of hilarity over the years and I highly recommend it. Within the past two weeks, I have been immersing myself in politcal news because I like to stay informed on what's happening during election season. I've been very transparent of my views and revealed in my last podcast episode, my candidate choice for the election based upon the facts and research. The more I researched, the more blatant lies and coverups became FUNNY TO ME! It's lowkey scary but also RIDICULOUS that our governmental process and traditions have morphed into a bad reality show. I'm talking Love And Hip-Hop, no Stevie J bad. Real Housewives of Atlanta no NeNe Leakes bad or Jersey Shore no Pauly D bad. Just a cast of characters saying and doing things for the camera but it's uniteresting, barely real cause it's scripted and pre-planned and every 2 days takes a turn for the outrageous. The most entertaining part about it all is that regular, everyday people are so focused on improving their lives and paying their bills that they have tuned majority of the antics out. I've been watching "man on the street" type interviews where people were being surveyed about their views on the election and the front-running candidates. It appears Americans of all races and classes are coming together MORE than we are being divided! If you ever get spare time to dedicate one hour to watch - foreign news on American politics and "man on the street" interviews on the candidates from MULTIPLE NEWS SOURCES outside of CNN - you will see for yourself that people are just tired of fake drama, fake promises and government overspending! They are capital T "TIRED". Kamala Harris has been campaigning lately that she intends "to bring Joy" back to the American people. However, she is currently IN OFFICE and created the DISCORD we feel about the economy and immigration. I feel like the reason she is pulling a Barack Obama type strategy is because it's NO SECRET that Hope, Love, Joy and Faith are essential to human happiness. In fact, 1 Corinthians 13:13 in the New Testament Bible told us that more than 400 years ago! Well, because it's STILL TRUE no matter who promotes it. Your weekly, witty takeaway this week is to abide in Joy because no matter what the world throws at you - faith, hope and love ALWAYS ENDURE. Hate and Discord can definitely FUCK SOME SHIT UP! It is usually meant to destroy and ruin things but just like trees with DEEP ROOTS, if the foundation of the thing is built in love, joy and hope. It's gonna last the test of time. Somehow, being loving and having joy in your heart for life got the reputation of being weak. When the reality is people go harder and don't play about the people, places and things they love. Love gives you renewable strength! So when people full of discord attempt to deplete you... they end up just wasting their own time and energy cause the love within you restores and returns like it never left. So make a joyful noise - whether that be KIND WORDS to someone, sweet music, sharing a joke with someone or just plain laughter about something that tickles cause this world is GHETTO AS HELL without the Holy Spirit and a higher power. Even just repeating the words, "Thank You" for anything you are grateful for is a joyful noise. If you are really technical, get you some binural beats from YouTube or Spotify at 750 megahertz and above (they say 852 megahertz is the frequency of love) to put you in a good, peaceful, soothing vibe and enjoy your "awake hours" as much as you can before you have to "be serious and handle business" it really helps! Enjoy your week :) Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo For More of my Comedy, Musical Comedy, Zumba or Podcast Content - Check out my YouTube Channel @aarona_thevirgo 9/22/2024 0 Comments Ep. 18 - It's A Choice To Be DumbTo Everyone, especially artist here is your witty, weekly inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world.
Step One - Don't vote for Kamala Harris if you live in the United States of America! Her economic policy will have you broker than a joke. She wants to overtax existing homeowners and business owners to finance her proposed economic plan. In my first episode of my podcast, I spoke about how MANY AMERICANS are on the fence about all the Presidential candidates. The propaganda this election cycle is so thick and irrelevant to the actual things we care about that I pointed out what the 2 front running candidates - Kamala Harris and Donald Trump need to do to actually win voting American's trust. So I went on a deep dive for the past week to get more information of what both front runners, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, White House and presidential term would like. Let me first point out that this is THE FIRST election cycle in 30 years that lacked one candidate having 60% or higher of the popular vote or election vote margin. Since 1989 with George H.W. Bush and his 60.9% presidential approval rating to Bill Clinton at 60.6% to Barack Obama fluctuated from 69% to averaging 47.9% and after him NO PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE OR PRESIDING PRESIDENT has obtained 60% of the country's trust and approval. The highest rating former President Trump got was 49% approval rating and that was also the highest rating President Biden got, however, Biden has not been at 49% since October 2020. He has dropped down to 41%. With the advances in technology and an endless news cycles, we have seen the greatest voting shift since the Nixon, Ford and Carter eras. This means roughly 60% of Americans don't like and don't want to support the people who are being presented to them as the leaders of their country. This was interesting to me. So I decided to take an unbiased look at what we as Americans are being presented with and what is actually going on with these candidates. I have to admit due to habit and programming I've voted democratic for 20 years but I became Republican in 2020 when I realized the party I was apart of no longer matched my actual values and goals for life. A former mobster who also converted to Republican said, "he only used to vote for democrats because they were the easiest to bribe and corrupt". When you inform yourself about their goals for this country, the plans they tell you they have for this country versus the real plan they execute for this country, you suddenly awaken from the media slumber you've been put under. In two previous blogs, I spoke on "The Art of Paying Attention" and "Never Being Too Old To Learn Something New" in my "Learn To Call Judgement" blog. Taking accountability for my previous voting patterns, I admit that I was amongst the fold of the undecided voters this election cycle. I had the worst years of my life during Trump's first term. It was so traumatic and I experienced so much loss and violation that I voted for Biden-Harris back in 2020 to give them a shot and see what they could do with the country. Although, I had better luck getting employment and housing than in the Biden-Harris term. Their government spending is WRECKING this country and this economy. Regular Americans are bleeding money and getting NOTHING or very little in return for being good Americans - paying their bills and their taxes and that sucks. Victim mentality isn't how I roll, so I decided to inform myself with the things I don't know and the first thing I learned is that there are 5 people running for Presidential office and not 2. Earlier in this election cycle Bobby Kennedy Jr. caught my attention and I was very interested in learning what he intended to do for this country. One of the reason, many people became Democrats was due to his uncle who held a record breaking 70.1 % approval rating that was not achieved by his predecessors and only duplicated by his then Vice President turned REPLACEMENT (sideeye cause this is what the KAMALA HARRIS campaign appears to be duplicating except for shooting the face off of Biden, they aimed for Trump so she would have no REAL competition) Lyndon B Johnson. Johnson is famously credited with changing the values of Black Americans to baby daddy, baby mama government dependents. This epidemic was non-existent before he got in office. So I went down a rabbit hole of fact checking and Biden is credited with creating more jobs than Trump BUT there is a scandal about Biden lying about the actual number of jobs created. Trump's record was consistent and without the sabotaging of life and resources ala Covid, he would have left office with the same consistency. Biden and Kamala entered office on the WAVE of Trump accomplishments and then funded a war in Ukraine we didn't really need to bother with, let anybody and everybody in our country when our neighbors - Canada and Mexico WOULD NEVER be so leniant. Inflation shot up and somewhat stabilized but is STILL HIGHER than when Trump left office and when you unbiasely watch interviews and stats Trump is the only candidate who has the ability to WIN the race and actually has policies and solutions Americans want. Jill Stein is running a very respectable campaign I must say, however, it will struggle to get the majority vote because our country has long sold out the validity of our elections to corporations. Stein admits the ideas the Green Party creates always ends getting adapted, changed and credited with the Democratic Party. Maybe she should try making a coalition with the Republican party. Cornel West is also running for President and I found out about that this week because it gets little to no news coverage. His entire campaign is "Abandon Harris 2024" solely because he is a lifelong democrat but disagrees with the policies promoted by the Kamala Harris campaign. The problem is Democrats have spent way too much time creating all this racial tension and race baiting and running behind Kamala to garner that same support that made Obama appealing - a good looking, intelligent black man with Charisma and charm. Except now there are two black candidates - Kamala may be more visually appealing but completely empty and unprepared to lead anybody to the corner store let alone the country. Cornel West is more knowledgeable about the issues and wants to take an love approach - "love your neighbor as yourself" to his policy making. It's a great outlook, HOWEVER, will just revert us back to 2020. Cornel West's running mate was a co-founder of some sort in the "Black Lives Matter" organization and that was a full on money grab for black people to come up by profiting off black pain. They did not break that money down and give back to anyone affected by police brutality or systemic racism. It was all an ACT! With the new incarceration of Diddy, we will definitely see a decrease of these PUBLICIZED horrific killings and violation of rights. Then again maybe not cause what we are up against this election cycle are greedy people who want to abuse their power to prolong their political lives and careers. These people don't care who the squash or ruin in the process. Kamala has a record of being a bare minimum girl. From her record as a DA in California State all the way to her CURRENT POSITION of Vice President. She went from getting $70,000/month to work 15 hours per week and ended up only showing up to work 2 times per month and wants to keep running this tired narrative of growing up as a middle class kid when she's 60 and had 40 years of favors to keep her well above the middle class. Nothing she has presented has panned out to be true or a working solutions to our current issues. I think she KNOWS THAT and that's why she had Megan twerking at a policial rally and why she cannot ever answer any questions like EVER. Her plans to TAX MONEY we "have the potential make" is something that is NOT getting enough press and not being explained to people who don't understand how taxes work but are expected to pay them. Everything about her campaign just spells GREED. Since she don't wanna go to work, she just wants to live and control OUR MONEY. That's her whole gameplan. She is VICE PRESIDENT NOW and JILL BIDEN is sitting in for the President and running his cabinet meetings, HUH? Never in HISTORY was that acceptable. The VICE PRESIDENT is supposed to run and handle ALL PRESIDENTIAL DUTIES in the president's absence. She CAN'T EVEN DO HER JOB NOW but she wants four more years of NOT DOING HER JOB! I think not. I've been a voting, tax-paying citizen since the year 2000. My life matters. My vote matters and I will not support slimey black people further destroying our country and more black lives SOLELY because they want to be an elite negro (eyeroll). So your takeway this week to stay sane in this crazy world is STAY INFORMED and STAND ON BUSINESS. You may completely disagree with everything I just typed. It may not appeal to you. That's okay! STAND ON BUSINESS! Make sure you are informed about what's really going on behind the scenes. Don't just blindly accept anything. DO RESEARCH! Cause the RESEARCH PROVES that we are being lied to by the very people who need us to keep this economy and society going. Knowledge is valuable that's why it gets hidden. Once you have knowledge, it can't be taken be taken away. So as you get informed and you align your goals and values with what you are learning, remember my previous blog and make sure you call judgement on bullshit! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian & Happiness Cheeerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To See more of my comedy content, musical comedy content, ZUMBA Videos - Check out my YouTube Channel @aarona_thevirgo 9/15/2024 0 Comments Ep. 17 - The Glory of GodEp. 17 - The Glory Of God To Everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world. Today is Sept. 15, 2024 and before you know it, we'll be bringing in a NEW YEAR... again. First of all, let's reflect on the lives we lost already in 2024 and be grateful for their impact in our lives. Let's also consider whose lives can we touch with our own lives. We've all been blessed to see another week and favor continues to reign over us... we'll see another year. Since age 15, I've been taking all my birthdays VERY SERIOUSLY. I used to get really hard on myself about making sure "I'm counted amongst the fold" whether that be scholastically or even when I was on the standup circuit. If I wasn't amongst the conversation, I knew I wasn't doing enough. As I've gotten older my focus has been LESS on whether I'm counted amongst people and MORE on whether I'm counted in with the most high God. The more I've focused on my soul, the less bound and burdened I felt. The more I engage and search for God's glory on this Earthly realm... the more fun I have. The more I engage and search for God's glory on this Earthly planet... the more peace and fulfillment I find. The Glory of God as I see it is the spark of creativity that hit us in the same way it hit the ultimate creator of all things who envisioned us into being. The Glory Of God is the birth of babies and all the unique faces that populate this Earth plane. The Glory of God is the awareness and exchange of pure love. The Glory of God is the unexplainable miracles that happen in our lives. Things that happened for our hood when we were so in over our heads we couldn't ever take credit for it. For example, the beauty of nature is one of the strongest forms of the glory of God. So on this Sunday, whether you are stuck in traffic or betting on your favorite NFL Team, also think of the various ways YOU have witnessed or had access to the Glory of God. Think about your life and how well IT IS going simply because you are here and can participate in your interests and hobbies. Whether you make time to or not is up to you but you have the ability to enjoy them. Maybe this is your sign to enjoy them more if you have not been doing so. Yeah there are for sure gonna be times when life sucks! When it sucks - it sucks! There's no denying life's ickiness but to deceive ourselves into behaving as if it ALWAYS SUCKS is the trap. Start small take 10-30 minutes of your day and reserve it for something FUN TO YOU! It's not about what other people want, desire or prefer. It's about YOU and want YOU ENJOY! I guarantee you it will be time well spent. It that reserved time subconsciously what you are doing is "enjoying being alive". In that reserved time you are PRESENT in your own life. Your weekly takeaway to stay sane in this crazy world is "be present - some way, some how in your own life. By doing things or finding new things that light you up and excite you, you are connecting to the God DNA within you. You are displaying the traits you inherited from your Heavenly Father. When you're in that zone of life... none of the silly shit matters. One of my fave quotes is by Marianne Williamson. Since we had a hilarious presidential debate last week, it's fitting to cite a sane, based person who ran for Presidential office. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. We think 'who am I to be gorgeous, fabulous?' Well who are you not to be? There is NOTHING enlightened about shrinking... we were all born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us". Are you making manifest of the glory of God within you? If not, why not? You are only doing yourself a disservice and the last thing the world needs are more people who missed the magic within their own life being overly focused on the lives of others. Chase God's glory and let your light shine. Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader AaronaTheVirgo To see more of my comedy and musical comedy, Check out my YouTube Channel @aarona_thevirgo To Everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty, inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world. Today's blog falls on my 42nd Birthday. I'm reflective. I'm grateful and a bit anxious to really make this year count.
I've made a personal venture back into being a Zumba Instructor. Dancing is a delight of mine. It brought me great comfort after my divorce. It is also is an excellent form of exercise so it reinforces my well-being. Making my way back into things that bring me great joy has been the ultimate shield against all the noise of things that are draining or unproductive. This week, I spent some time in solitude and was reminded about Ecclesiates 1:14 "I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun and behold, all is vanity and striving after the wind". The Book of Ecclesiates was written by King Solomon, Israel's wealthiest king. King Solomon has been famously remembered as "the wisest king of Israel". In his latter years of life, he penned Ecclesiates. It was his judgment of everything he acquired and experienced in life. He concluded, it basically doesn't matter what you achieve or accumulate, when you die is all over. He alluded to the idea of "not being so attached to things because eventually everything fades". Interesting enough, he didn't say "Love is pointless". He never alluded to the receiving or giving of love being a pointless act. So your takeway for this week, to stay sane in this crazy world is "Wrap yourself in a blanket of love". Surround yourself with loving energy as much as possible. Starting first with you - how you talk to yourself and treat yourself. The extended out to what you allow from others and whether or not you are giving loving energy out. One way, I've personally focused on this practice is the SECOND I'm experiencing something unpleasant or uncomfortable, I pause within myself to think "how did I attract this to me? and what is this situation trying to teach me right now? Is it a test on whether I have mastered something I should have? or is it a banal coincidence?" Taking time to check-in with myself on this level has strengthen my boundaries with others. When there is no need to enforce a boundary, I contribute comedy and compliments. I'm making it practice to stay as light as possible because ultimately, Ecclesiastes 1:14 is VERY TRUE. I have lived long enough to see things I deeply prioritized not be half as important as it once was when I was ignorant or inexperienced. I've lost so many things over the years, I can say with full confidence it's the memories attach to the things I lost that I miss more than the thing (place or person) itself. The beauty of life is that we have the ability to make new memories until our life ends. If you are in constant pursuit of joy, beautiful memories and the sweetness of simplicity and practically, then you have plenty of fuel to create a wonderful life for yourself - despite what everyone else is doing. Chances are things are overhyped and exagerrated and you really aren't missing out on nothing. Focus on your joy and creating a blanket of love for yourself. You owe that to you and only a hater would try to block you from doing so ... they're always miserable and mad about something so nothing to worry your pretty head about! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To see more of my comedy and musical comedy content, Check Out My YouTube Channel - @aarona_thevirgo |
AuthorComedian/YouTuber/Podcaster/Songwriter/Author AaronaTheVirgo sharing her humor and her life experiences. This blog is your weekly, witty Sunday inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world... and if you dare, laugh a little! Archives
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