9/15/2024 0 Comments Ep. 17 - The Glory of GodEp. 17 - The Glory Of God To Everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world. Today is Sept. 15, 2024 and before you know it, we'll be bringing in a NEW YEAR... again. First of all, let's reflect on the lives we lost already in 2024 and be grateful for their impact in our lives. Let's also consider whose lives can we touch with our own lives. We've all been blessed to see another week and favor continues to reign over us... we'll see another year. Since age 15, I've been taking all my birthdays VERY SERIOUSLY. I used to get really hard on myself about making sure "I'm counted amongst the fold" whether that be scholastically or even when I was on the standup circuit. If I wasn't amongst the conversation, I knew I wasn't doing enough. As I've gotten older my focus has been LESS on whether I'm counted amongst people and MORE on whether I'm counted in with the most high God. The more I've focused on my soul, the less bound and burdened I felt. The more I engage and search for God's glory on this Earthly realm... the more fun I have. The more I engage and search for God's glory on this Earthly planet... the more peace and fulfillment I find. The Glory of God as I see it is the spark of creativity that hit us in the same way it hit the ultimate creator of all things who envisioned us into being. The Glory Of God is the birth of babies and all the unique faces that populate this Earth plane. The Glory of God is the awareness and exchange of pure love. The Glory of God is the unexplainable miracles that happen in our lives. Things that happened for our hood when we were so in over our heads we couldn't ever take credit for it. For example, the beauty of nature is one of the strongest forms of the glory of God. So on this Sunday, whether you are stuck in traffic or betting on your favorite NFL Team, also think of the various ways YOU have witnessed or had access to the Glory of God. Think about your life and how well IT IS going simply because you are here and can participate in your interests and hobbies. Whether you make time to or not is up to you but you have the ability to enjoy them. Maybe this is your sign to enjoy them more if you have not been doing so. Yeah there are for sure gonna be times when life sucks! When it sucks - it sucks! There's no denying life's ickiness but to deceive ourselves into behaving as if it ALWAYS SUCKS is the trap. Start small take 10-30 minutes of your day and reserve it for something FUN TO YOU! It's not about what other people want, desire or prefer. It's about YOU and want YOU ENJOY! I guarantee you it will be time well spent. It that reserved time subconsciously what you are doing is "enjoying being alive". In that reserved time you are PRESENT in your own life. Your weekly takeaway to stay sane in this crazy world is "be present - some way, some how in your own life. By doing things or finding new things that light you up and excite you, you are connecting to the God DNA within you. You are displaying the traits you inherited from your Heavenly Father. When you're in that zone of life... none of the silly shit matters. One of my fave quotes is by Marianne Williamson. Since we had a hilarious presidential debate last week, it's fitting to cite a sane, based person who ran for Presidential office. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. We think 'who am I to be gorgeous, fabulous?' Well who are you not to be? There is NOTHING enlightened about shrinking... we were all born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us". Are you making manifest of the glory of God within you? If not, why not? You are only doing yourself a disservice and the last thing the world needs are more people who missed the magic within their own life being overly focused on the lives of others. Chase God's glory and let your light shine. Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader AaronaTheVirgo To see more of my comedy and musical comedy, Check out my YouTube Channel @aaronacreates
To Everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty, inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world. Today's blog falls on my 42nd Birthday. I'm reflective. I'm grateful and a bit anxious to really make this year count.
I've made a personal venture back into being a Zumba Instructor. Dancing is a delight of mine. It brought me great comfort after my divorce. It is also is an excellent form of exercise so it reinforces my well-being. Making my way back into things that bring me great joy has been the ultimate shield against all the noise of things that are draining or unproductive. This week, I spent some time in solitude and was reminded about Ecclesiates 1:14 "I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun and behold, all is vanity and striving after the wind". The Book of Ecclesiates was written by King Solomon, Israel's wealthiest king. King Solomon has been famously remembered as "the wisest king of Israel". In his latter years of life, he penned Ecclesiates. It was his judgment of everything he acquired and experienced in life. He concluded, it basically doesn't matter what you achieve or accumulate, when you die is all over. He alluded to the idea of "not being so attached to things because eventually everything fades". Interesting enough, he didn't say "Love is pointless". He never alluded to the receiving or giving of love being a pointless act. So your takeway for this week, to stay sane in this crazy world is "Wrap yourself in a blanket of love". Surround yourself with loving energy as much as possible. Starting first with you - how you talk to yourself and treat yourself. The extended out to what you allow from others and whether or not you are giving loving energy out. One way, I've personally focused on this practice is the SECOND I'm experiencing something unpleasant or uncomfortable, I pause within myself to think "how did I attract this to me? and what is this situation trying to teach me right now? Is it a test on whether I have mastered something I should have? or is it a banal coincidence?" Taking time to check-in with myself on this level has strengthen my boundaries with others. When there is no need to enforce a boundary, I contribute comedy and compliments. I'm making it practice to stay as light as possible because ultimately, Ecclesiastes 1:14 is VERY TRUE. I have lived long enough to see things I deeply prioritized not be half as important as it once was when I was ignorant or inexperienced. I've lost so many things over the years, I can say with full confidence it's the memories attach to the things I lost that I miss more than the thing (place or person) itself. The beauty of life is that we have the ability to make new memories until our life ends. If you are in constant pursuit of joy, beautiful memories and the sweetness of simplicity and practically, then you have plenty of fuel to create a wonderful life for yourself - despite what everyone else is doing. Chances are things are overhyped and exagerrated and you really aren't missing out on nothing. Focus on your joy and creating a blanket of love for yourself. You owe that to you and only a hater would try to block you from doing so ... they're always miserable and mad about something so nothing to worry your pretty head about! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To see more of my comedy and musical comedy content, Check Out My YouTube Channel - @aaronacreates For everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in a crazy world. Welcome back to the conversation this is THE PERFECT TIME to plug my previous blog "Stranger Than Fiction" cause what I discovered on Facebook last week is EXACTLY THAT.
I THOUGHT I had major problems being undermined due to my anatomy (my big booty and slim waist). For 30 years, I've been HYPERSEXUALIZED without me even having to SPEAK. The irony of that is I have a high IQ and was a nerdy,backpacking hip-hop head since my adolescence to my mid-20s. I never even owned a bikini til age 29 - and I made a YouTube Vlog about it. I became a stand-up comedian at 23 years old and thoroughout my entire career, there was envy and weirdness from women who didn't find themselves attractive and felt no one else did either. There were also numerous sexual advances (there STILL are to this day as recently as 5 last NIGHT lol) by men who liked what they saw and chose to diminish me. I've conditioned myself to give them the short end of my attention span or "fake listen" and smile at them. Then there are power hungry men who decide they are God and want to punish me for being a woman they cannot have their way with me Over the past 7 YEARS, this has been taken to SUCH A DESPICABLE LEVEL that I, a Black woman (woman of African descent created in the USA after slavery got abolished for the politically correct folks out there) has had my entire brand and web presence tarnished by catfishers misrepresenting and then my public reactions to it online. The most annoying and despicable part is BLACK PEOPLE who capitalized on Black pain and didn't do ANYTHING for Black People were INVOLVED in it! They stooped so low that they resulting in mail tampering, impersonation and smear campaigns to blogs to have MY NAME represent EVERYTHING ELSE BUT WHAT I REALLY AM - a comedian, a scholar, a visionary, a workaholic, an ambivert, a trailblazer doing everything she can to be pleasing in God's sight even if it conflicts with certain standards of mankind. To add insult to injury, some white lady pretending to me on my old Facebook page ERASING and DISCOUNTING 17 YEARS of HARDWORK AND SACRIFICE WHILE people tamper with my mail and try to put things on my record that are NOT TRUE to play around with my narrative like it's nothing. Like MY LIFE IS A GAME to some distorted creep with a wack personality. The question is WHOSE EGO is the false narrative about me for? WHY don't they have something better to do with their mind, money and time? Many of the people who GROUPED UP (eyeroll) to make things like what happened to my Facebook page occur is because they had a financial interest in making me disappear. Having to confront the reality of that is a lot to deal with. How have a dealt with it? Through remembering the promises of God over my life, prayer, scripture and a quote by Lyndsey Gallant. Gallant is quoted recalling her therapist visit in which her therapist said "Your anger is the part of you that LOVES YOU" and that is your takeaway for this week to stay sane in this crazy world. People who hurt you and repeatedly hurt you MEANT TO DO THAT. It's not an accident! Part of self-love is remembering that it was not an accident and believe what they show you. When people cannot take accountability for what they've done to you, they will always deny and gaslight you. Your job is to reject that and love on yourself more in spite of what they do. People (especially people outside of the situation) WILL GASLIGHT YOU and tell you, your anger in response to being violated is not classy or unnecessary. They may even gaslight you by saying your anger is pointless and ineffective. This is a perfect time to plug my previous blog, "Learn To Call Judgement". Letting things slide or staying silent is much more ineffective than continuing to accept abuse and let people benefit from the abuse go unnoticed and unscathed. Anger is your signal that something is wrong and if it continues to be ignored something WILL BREAK or not operate properly. Anger is your cue to leave or advocate for yourself. Anger is the reminder that you matter too! You matter MORE than the illusions people who cannot authentically be themselves cast and project because they are hiding behind a mask or persona. You have unique FINGERPRINTS and that was no accident just like the mistreatment you endured. They MEANT to do that. Recognize it, address it so you can move forward with peace and joy. Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To See More of my Comedy, Musical Comedy and Zumba Content, Check out my YouTube Channel - @aaronacreates 8/25/2024 0 Comments Ep - 14 Rebuke And PrayTo everyone, especially artists. Here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay SANE in a crazy world. Welcome Back to the conversation. People did lots of dumb things to me. Even when I forgave them and moved on. It didn't make them stop, rather it fueled their desire to do more. They developed a THRILL in getting away with what they were doing. I adapted an "outta sight, outta mind" policy but it was not enough. Those some people decided they wanted to control my environment and how everyone saw me at all times (smh). They even took precious time to make posts Facebook pages dedicated to certain towns and cities to behave like a virus infecting its new host. They rejoiced at gossip, slander and numerous behind the back tactics. Even my last week's blog post about "Counting it all joy" and "Let It Be" was fodder for their amusement because their souls are empty and they desperately wanted prove that my soul was as tarnished and evil as theirs and my positivity "was a front" instead of being the result of prayer and overcoming my animal instinct to resort to violence when I'm disrespected. Once you unjustly have your freedom taken away from you, especially when its violently done, you no longer want to affiliate OR participate in ANYTHING that threatens that freedom. Suddenly, you want to take heed to bible's instruction of being slow to anger and wrath. You begin weighing all the consequences of the outcome and decide ... Nah, I'm good on that. I have things I'm looking forward to and I can't let this petty shit ruin it". I had an ex that would do things out of anger and when it escalated constantly advertise "I got bail money in my pocket". Knowing what I know now about the jail system, none of that matters because they gonna confiscate your property! If they are crooked, they'll claim you didn't come there with whatever amount you had and pocket that money themselves. Depending on where you are, they tax that money daily as a penalty for being there so you still don't leave with what you come with LMAO! So when you think of the things people PROUDLY brag about cause "they don't wanna look like a punk", you see how silly they look. Once you mature, you recognize how precious life really is and how UN-worth it, it is to react and respond violently. These days, I just mock, rebuke and let whatever it is fall down like water and keep it moving. I'm learning that ignoring and not responding angers offenders EVEN MORE than violence ever could. Their intent was to harm or embarrass you. When you respond with violence, you feel good cause you feel like you stood your ground and taught them not to play with you. But it is a short lived victory. Ultimately, what you did was prove to them that they got you and they only first attacked you cause they wanted a reaction from you that would steal your power. Once you respond violently, you've given them license to attack your freedom and diminish your power longer than a fleeting moment. In short, I GREW UP lol. Past people who knew me from a different chapter in my life cannot handle that. They are stuck in the past cause they haven't grown trying to drag me back towards a version of myself that no longer exists. They don't recognize who I present to be cause they have not continued onto my current life journey. I present comedy premises under development on my Twitter and Threads accounts and hashtag them with #AaronaOpenMic and I recently joked about this. I joked about how much time people from my past enlisted strangers and people who had proximity to me for their smear campaigns AND the TRUTH IS STILL THE TRUTH and so much time has BEEN WASTED on their antics that when I get my NEXT DRIVER'S LICENSE I'll be 50 years old lol. I was 35 years old when the drama first started. So your takeaway, to stay sane in this crazy world is REBUKE and PRAY! Rebuke because you do not have to accept bad treatment or behavior. Rebuke because you are under no obligation to tolerate disrespect or underhanded tactics. Rebuke because even though people love to hide behind the tenets of Christianity to manipulate others, TRUE believers and followers of Christ KNOW that Jesus OFTEN rebuked Pharisees and anyone trying to mock his life mission on Earth. He came to do his father's (God/Jehovah/Yahweh) business and that was the end of it. The devil couldn't tempt him with worldly riches and domination at the Mount of Transfiguration. And there was no vagina or penis THAT GOOD to distract him from his mission! There is something about people of faith that get heavily put under a microscope when they display authenticity. When their faith is NOT a joke, a front, or a cover up business to amass wealth. People get uncomfortable and HISTORY has proven time and time again from the times Jesus Christ roamed the Earth and before him thru the major and minor prophets of the old testament to the Spanish Inquisition which lasted 400 years circa 1400-1800s, to the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts, to Malcolm X in the 1960s. Malcolm X wasn't strong in faith to amass wealth, he died broke! People with strong faith who believe in themselves and surrender to a high power are often feared because they don't comply to the pitfalls that makes others stumble. If ANY of these blogs ever resonated with you, it's very likely you are within that group. So CHIN UP! God goes before you into situations, walks with you through situations and goes behind you to protect your future all day, everyday. Being aware and GRATEFUL for that truth, is how we stay balanced and sane in this crazy world. So Rebuke if you must and pray without ceasing because prayer is the strongest transformative power human beings can have. "The prayers of the righteous availeth much" has been one the biblical quotes that has been emblazoned in my mind since 5 years old and it STILL MINISTERS TO ME on good days and bad days. You got this! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To See MORE of my Comedy Content, Musical Comedy and other content - visit my YouTube Channel @aaronacreates and if you enjoy this blog, please support my eStore - aaronathevirgoshop.etsy.com 8/18/2024 0 Comments Ep. 13 - Count It All JoyWelcome Back To The Conversation. To everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world. "Count it all joy brethren when you fall into your trials" - James 1:2. Life is messy and people can be messier. Don't give away your power for the messy things.
We don't always have control over our environment. We almost NEVER have control over people's actions (and people who think they can/do control others are DELUSIONAL AF. But when we wake up with a grateful spirit - taking time to tell God THANK YOU - we can experience MESSY THINGS and handle it with truth and grace. It's not about repressing anything or pretending to be blind to the messy things. It's more of recognizing the messy and saying TOUCHE'. So, your takeaway for this week to stay calm and sane in this crazy world is BOTH a quote from The Beatles and a Patrick Swayze quote in Roadhouse. Sometimes people intentionally push your buttons to disturb your peace cause they are bored or haven't gotten enough joy - Let It Be. Do your best to see everything AS IT IS and face it with a smile (or sarcasm, your choice) and then LET IT BE. When you know and APPRECIATE the fact that God has got you in the palm of his hands - you rebuke it, laugh about it and gone on about your day. Let it be! My real policy in life is actually "Be nice until it's time to not be nice". About 4 years ago, I was having a whole convo in Hawaii with a Lieutenant about Roadhouse and the quote, "be nice until it's time to not be nice" and HOW TRUE IT IS about nearly everything. Sometimes we make the problem bigger than what it is and we make hasty judgements which enlarge the problem. Sometimes it doesn't take all that. So " be nice in whatever you're doing, until it's time to NOT be nice". Self-deception or lack of respect isn't good for anyone! So up until "it's time to call judgement" (see last week's blog) be nice. Be easy. Let it be! You got this! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo For MORE of my Comedy, Musical Comedy or other content - visit my YouTube Channel @aaronacreates If you like this blog, check out my eStore and show support - aaronathevirgoshop.etsy.com 8/12/2024 0 Comments Ep. 12 - Learn To Call JudgementTo Everyone, especially artists 👩🎨
Here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in a crazy world💋😇 A THREAD - Welcome Back To The Conversation. Calling judgement on something is seeing something that’s wrong for exactly what it is and identifying as such. This could include but is not limited to shitty behavior, toxic patterns, a hunch, an attitude or an emotion. Whatever it is… calling judgment on it is directly describing what it is and then determining what needs to happen after hitting the bullseye on what’s wrong. Sometimes, you have to just address something instead of “letting it slide”. There are a variety of reasons we tend to let things slide. However, when it comes to things that disrupt your peace or hinders personal progress, you devalue yourself by ignoring your true feelings and not calling judgement on a person, place or thing. Not calling judgement creates a slippery slope that makes it open season on your happiness or peace of mind. That’s no good! Sometimes you have to stop something before it picks up momentum and creates chaos like a fire. When you first notice a tiny flame, not taking action to put out the fire… gives it more time to get oxygen and build momentum. Just like a fire, you cannot give toxicity any leeway to build momentum. I had chinese food yesterday and my fortune cookie 🥠 said “You Are Never Too Old To Learn Something New”. First of all, it’s a fact and second of all, I like that quote very much!! So your takeaway for this week to stay sane in this crazy world is to remember “You are never too old to learn something new”. From the moment I read that on the fortune cookie, I seriously have been thinking of ways to be open to new things / including doing familiar things in NEW WAYS. If I’m familiar with the way things work and I don’t like my results with it, then I’m gonna try it one more time in a new way. This also applies to deep self work we may need to do. When it comes to being social, I struggle to interact with perceived nonsense. Simply put, I just have low tolerance for goofy shit. It creates an irritation within me. What I’ve learned to do is fill the awkwardness with something funny to lighten the mood. However, sometimes goofy things that stem from toxicity and reoccur need to be directly addressed. Because I previously entertained it or calmed the waters, I’ve communicated that I’m cool with the toxicity when really I’m not. This doesn’t always have to be negative though. Sometimes we deny ourselves bliss by blocking and limiting ourselves out of fear of the unknown. So be kinder to yourself and remember “you are never too old to learn new things”. Find the courage to go after the things and visit the places that bring you joy, even if “you don’t know how to do it”. Nothing is stopping you from learning how to do it or acquiring new information to see a different way to do it. We all are trying to cope with our day to day dealings. Just remember not to put everyone before your happiness and your peace, unless they’re your newborn or your toddler. They’re exceptions cause they have to rely on you until they are able to tell strangers “Hell No, my mama or daddy said No”. We made it to another week in 2024. Here’s to more weeks and years beyond! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader AaronaTheVirgo P.S. - AaronaTheVirgo.com is back live and I’m registered to my new city! Stay Tuned for new content❤️ To see more of my comedy, musical comedy or other content - Check out my YouTube Channel @aaronacreates If you like this blog, show your support at my eStore aaronathevirgoshop.etsy.com To Everyone, especially artists 👩🎨
Here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in a crazy world💋😇 A THREAD - Welcome Back To The Conversation. Betrayal Trauma is one of the most unfortunate pains to recover from because the pain is caused behind your back by people you were convinced liked you, loved you or respected you. Blunt trauma physically hurts more and depending on if it occurred from a fight or argument it’s less heartbreaking and mentally abusive because at least your opponent had the courage to face you. Most people have the ability to chalk up whatever losses occur from blunt trauma. As soon as the wound heals they are over it and on to the next thing. But what if the blunt trauma was executed in a sneaky way by someone you trusted or thought would never do that to you? That type of trauma is the type to cause an imbalance to your nervous system. Your body becomes regulated by fight or flight syndrome. The pain is crippling at times because it makes you want to avoid human interaction and the possibility of future identical pain. So what do you do? You pray. You surrender to the pain you feel. You cry it all out and come to awareness that you are not the first person this has happened to and release the desire to trauma bond to others. You find something that really makes you laugh and delight in the fact that are still things to smile about and be grateful for. You pray again, asking God to send you more warm reminders from the universe of how loved you really are. You start keeping a journal to document your thoughts and observe negative patterns in order to self-correct. You take it easy on yourself because realize that you will never be able to make anyone care about anything you are going through, partly because they are going through things as well. You learn grace with the new knowledge and awareness of hidden struggles. You do all these things when you have a clean heart and experience betrayal trauma. You do none of this when you are an asshole. So your takeaway for this week to stay sane in this crazy world is to pray without ceasing. God can handle things that are much greater than our own human physical strength and understanding. Lastly, don’t be an asshole… unless you can make it comical👍🏽😇 We all have enough to deal with in this life and people prefer to be around people who can add to their joy not subtract from it. Be as kind to yourself as you possibly can and that inner kindness will heal the wounds of betrayal and further spread kindness as a side effect. Love you! Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To see more of my comedy content, musical comedy content or other content - check out My YouTube Channel - @aaronacreates If you enjoy my blog content, send your support by checking out my eStore - aaronathevirgoshop.etsy.com Welcome Back to the conversation. “Sanity Lies in the art of paying attention”. This is a powerful quote from Julia Cameron and her book, “The Artist Way”.
Inside the action of stepping away from the heaviness of our problems or fears lies beauty and calming truths. Here's a simple example, in the midst of feeling tired and overwhelmed by incessantly troubleshooting problems that arose from moving to a new city... I was grateful both my eyes worked. This may sound silly or banal at first read BUT ya girl actually lost sight in my left eye temporarily back in fall 2016. I went to the eye doctor to figure out why I suddenly couldn't see out of my left eye and the doctors did a series of tests and told me it could either be the first sign of pregnancy or just stress related. That pregnancy theory created a WHOLE OTHER RABBIT HOLE that I don't even got the time to recap but after negative pregnancy tests it was CLEAR the issue was stress. Once they pinpointed the cause, they got to work prescribing some steroids and other pills and a eye lubricant. It took 2 months but I was "good as new". Fortunately, I lived in California at the time where weed is plentiful, so I helped myself to edibles and CBD products to relax. The loss of eyesight in my left eye was my FIRST BIG PUSH to decrease stress. This included people, environments and workplaces. Nobody really sits around and wonders what they would do if they suddenly went blind in an eye or both eyes. When we get too wrapped up in stress or out problems we forget and take for granted HOW MUCH of a blessing vision really is. Today I found myself standing at the bus stop just staring at the scenery and thinking to myself... Lord I can see and you did this! Lord you restored my sight and life has been so good for me despite the hardships that I forgot I was almost out here with one eye. When you take a step back from all the noise and all the drama and all the stress and get practical about what you do have that's VERY VALUABLE that you do NOT acknowledge because something else has your attention, then you fully understand Julia Cameron's statement "Sanity lies in the art of paying attention". So your takeaway for this week to stay sane in this crazy world is "Pay Attention to your blessings. Pay MORE ATTENTION to all the beautiful things you can see and visualize. There are people living right now that are not as blessed to do that". Most times, through no fault of their own they either NEVER HAD the ability to see or they have lost the ability to see. Then consider if the problem you are stressing about is a bigger problem than your vision. It's really a reminder of how powerful our minds are as people. As I was thanking God for my sight this morning. I really was thinking about how my mind was so strong that what I was thinking and feeling altered my ability to use my eyes. Our minds are so powerful it believes what we tell it and it's simply too easier to tell it something negative. We have to be smarter than that and by doing so, we reap the benefits of being empowered and at our healthiest state. So pay attention to every ability and blessing you have. It's much more important to nurture those blessings and abilities than to focus on temporary things that distract us or attempt to rob us of our peace. Love, Your Favorite Happiness Cheerleader & Behavioral Analyst Comedian, AaronaTheVirgo For More of my comedy, musical comedy and other content - visit my YouTube Channel @aaronacreates To Show Support of my content and art check out my eStore - https://AaronatheVirgoshop.etsy.com 8/11/2024 0 Comments Ep. 10 - And Just Like ThatWelcome Back to the conversation. If you used to watch the hit HBO sitcom, "Sex In The City", Carrie would often narrate the episode with "and just like that" blah blah blah happened. "And Just Like That" has been circulating inside my head all morning. Then R. Kelly's song "Just Like That" kept following. Hurricane Beryl hit "and just like that" we were out of electricity for a week. At the time of this writing our power has been restored since last Monday. Last week was a weird week!
Personally, my week has been all about bounce back. I have been so consumed with getting back to my norm and establishing my foundation while being a new resident in my current city. Like everyone else, I had to deal with my share of obstacles and red tape while achieving work-life balance. Things started progressing and I had moments to myself where I caught myself smiling with utter joy and contentment. I'm grateful for those little moments because A FEW moments happened where that joy got infringed upon. Silently, I did my best to take a non-emotional observation. "And Just Like That" I began subtracting from my life. I began subtracting apps I don't use. More photos and videos that I no longer need or want to make public. I began streamlining content. I unfollowed any account that didn't put a smile on my face or make me laugh in the last 30 days. I made myself less available for what doesn't make me any money or direct me towards money within the next 2 weeks. I took my focus off the macro and for the moment just focused on the micro day to day things that are imperative to daily and future progress. I talk to God often but I had several moments where I paused in surrender - reminding myself of how far I've come and why I have persevered to this point. "And Just Like That" I began grateful for the times I took time to document my journey. Life is happening all around us and time is gone in a blink of an eye. If you don't keep good record of things, you can become easy prey to false witness or other deception. Earlier today, I woke up around 5:30am with writer's block. I just couldn't bring myself to type for some reason. "What is something tangible and honest I can share with people today?" I thought. Then I remembered some very calming words from my childhood. When I was a little girl, I really enjoyed my first church I grew up in. On Sundays, before we got into the sermon, one of our elder preachers Reverend Orange would always begin with the same speech EVERY SUNDAY before handing the pulpit over to our pastor Reverend Webb. "This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it" (From Psalms 118:24). He would continue with Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust In The Lord with all your heart and do not lean into your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path." Every Sunday without fail for my entire childhood, he had the same intro. Since today is Sunday, your takeaway for this week is simply what Reverend Orange shared with us every Sunday. "This is the day that the Lord has made" - YOU WOKE UP TODAY. Oxygen flows and you had nothing to do with it. The sun shines and you had nothing to do with it. Every natural resource you need is available to you without you having to take action or "Make Something Happen". God has already took care of it for you. "We Will Rejoice And Be Glad In It" - Yesterday and everything that plagued you ended already. To carry it with you is a choice. If you have to so be it and if you don't have to, then let it go. If you cannot change something, why waste energy fretting about it? "Trust In The Lord With All Thine Heart and Lean Not Into Your Own Understanding. In All Thy Ways Acknowledge Him and He Shall Direct Thy Path." I had a moment last week, where I had to consider some things that happened to me and what I did in response to it. I had to consider whether my response was appropriate. Of course when hurtful things happen we initially just want to feel better and we comfort ourselves in the idea that "we are right". When in reality even people who do you wrong, also think they are right. All you can ever do is make you are behaving and carrying a clean heart and good intentions. Everything that after that is out of your control. If your aim is to protect yourself more and separate yourself from things that rob your joy, silently remove yourself without harm to anyone. If anyone even cares why you chose to remove yourself, they will ask you. If they don't care they won't even notice or miss your presence. If it doesn't bother them that you distanced yourself, everyone is happy (thumbs up emoji). If it does bother them that you removed yourself, then a mature conversation will be initiated to mend whatever created the disconnect. If that doesn't happen they don't care and why should YOU? People are happy doing the things they do, that's WHY they do it. Make sure you are doing whatever makes you happy! "Trust In the Lord with all thine heart and lean not into thine own understanding" is such a powerful statement and instruction. Cause people be people-ling and we forget or sometimes may not even be aware of how much of our life has already been worked out, provided for and remedied by God. Especially, when life has presented you so many scenarios where you felt you had to fend for yourself. Truthfully, if you can read this, you already overcame whatever those situations were and "THIS IS THE DAY that the Lord has made". You made it to the finish line of whatever those previous situations were and TODAY you begin A NEW RACE that may consist of you beating your old record and setting a new precedent. Today's race MAY GO DOWN IN THE HISTORY BOOKS depending on what you do with it and how you perform in it. Today's race may just be an exhibition race for you to take note of where you are compared to where you want to be. Nevertheless, TODAY is another opportunity for you to be a champion! So lean NOT into your own understanding - or ANY OTHER UNDERSTANDING that takes your focus off this truth. Cause if your race was over or "you got disqualified" you would have NEVER been alive to see TODAY. You are more loved than you know. TRUST ME, I'm not just saying that. I had my own situation where God had to show and remind me of that just 2 days ago! "And Just Like" I'm passing on it so we can all stay sane in this crazy, weird *Daria Voice* Sick, Sad World. Check out my YouTube video, "Being Grateful Is Gangsta". I meant every word in this video and gratitude really has been the secret ingredient that keeps me elevating:) Love, Your Favorite Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To See MORE of my comedy, musical comedy and other content - Go To My YouTube Channel @aaronacreates If you like this blog or my content, you can show your support at my eStore aaronathevirgoshop.etsy.com Welcome Back To The Conversation. It’s been six days since Houston, Texas has been hit by Hurricane Beryl and my house is still without power. Yet I, my roommates and my neighbors who are also without power press on.
Being without power in our home has been inconvenient but not a impossible challenge. If anything, it brings you a reminder of what REALLY MATTERS IN LIFE. It reinforces your desire to provide for yourself and maintain a certain level of comfort. It forces you to reevaluate your priorities “just in case it all goes bad”. At the end of all of it, you still desire the basic things in life - food, shelter, cash flow, disposable income, clothes, shoes, safety and relaxation. When you have all your needs met. You don’t waste time thinking about people, places and things you cannot control. When you don’t have all your needs met, you don’t have time or luxury to focus on anything else but those needs. Everything outside of a need is a WANT. When you respond to life from a spiritual place, you know that you are drawn to certain things because what you want ALSO WANTS YOU. However, when you have some trauma, some of your wants come from a distorted place or toxic thinking patterns. Natural disasters come along and force you to reevaluate your wants. Why do you really want certain things? If it doesn’t come from a place of purpose (something God told you to do and you WANT to please God), a place of joy, a place of curiosity (cause we are souls having a human experience) or a place of love consider whether that WANT you have is healthy. Everyone IS BUSY doing things they think they need to do. These things are important from their perspective NOT some outer person’s perspective. I made a post a couple of days ago that people “who get mad at goals you have (which have nothing to do with them) are WEIRD AF to me”. Cause who are these ridiculous people that get angry at people they barely know, so-called friends or family members for having audacity to believe in themselves? WHAT KINDA CRACK PIPE SMOKING MENTALITY IS THAT? What kind of entitled, crabs in a barrel attitude is that? I see the devil in that. The devil was the first documented hater EVER! LOL! Adam and Eve were “naked and unashamed” according to the book of Genesis in the Bible. They were enjoying their nudity, their land and each other’s company until that hating ass snake who had the spirit of the devil showed up and started talking shit about God. Thus, the first “Devil’s Advocate” question was posed to make Eve and Adam feel insecure about their choices and beliefs. Then Adam and Eve did the human thing “taking action to save face and appear less silly” and ending up destroying their blessing and the favor they had over their lives altogether. Recall, EVERY ENCOUNTER you ever had with a hater. It had ALL THE SAME ELEMENTS of the Garden of Eden encounter Adam and Eve had with the snake. Haters LOVE to downplay or belittle your plans, your beliefs, your style, your partner’s fidelity, your partner’s looks, your looks, your abilities, etc just to poke holes in your self-esteem, your business or your peace. Here’s a tiny example. I went on a road trip with one of my jobs and bought a personal, digital fan that I can wear around my neck. It comes in handy in this Texas heat. One day, I’m walking down the street, minding my business and walking to a store. As I approach the intersection, some random chick leans out the passenger side of someone else’s ride (eye-roll) to yell out the window at me, “That little fan ain’t doing nothing in this heat”. My spirit INSTANTLY rejected it:) I quickly responded, “It’s doing ENOUGH!” and she leaned back in the car (that had both the windows down, eye-roll, cause what’s up with ya’ll A/C since you so worried about my little fan but WHATEVS) and shut her mouth as they pulled away and I finished crossing the street. Haters don’t ever know what to do with themselves and so they always try to tear other people down or steal their joy. Something in their spirit gets angry and bent outta shape by other people’s peace and joy. They don’t have ANY so they cannot fathom and sometimes REJECT the possibility of any. The first time I saw those little digital fans, I thought “How cool! That’s really smart. I need to get me one of those.” I saw a woman fanning herself with one and told her how dope the fan was, how smart she was and told her “You betta work it, I know that’s right! Stay cool out here,” and she laughed. When I saw my coworker had one in a box, I complimented him and I told him I’m getting me one of those. I told him people tell me they buy them from Amazon but I found stores that sell them. Then he told me HE SELLS THEM (cause it was a gift and he had extras) and I bought it from him and tipped him since his price WAS LOWER than the store - an offer I couldn’t refuse! Boom a complete SUCKA-FREE and HATER FREE attitude. For the FIRST REACTION of that random girl to be a spiteful comment suggesting “I look silly for having my fan” or “I wasted money on my fan cause it don’t work” came from a place of her lack and negative thinking. Which is why the best she could do was be an angry passenger inside a hot car INSTEAD of driving her own car with Arctic air circulating inside. I was literally happily walking down the street, playing my music and using my fan while leaving one air conditioned property to the next. Cause happiness is an inside job. It’s personal, not a group activity. So, the takeaway for this week to stay sane in a crazy world is ignore haters. Cause haters don’t even need reasons to be mad, they just possess anger and wickedness in their spirit. They don’t wanna change and you can’t make them change. They will always find a problem with you and you could be minding your business. They will lie on you cause they cannot fathom your truth. It seems unlikely or unreasonable to them but the brain they have is warped in wickedness so what do they really know? At the time of this blog, in the last 24 hours, one of our former US Presidents suffered a bullet wound from a very sketchy incident. It’s a very unfortunate incident but also a reminder that people are affected by unfortunate incidents in life and every has a story about what might have happened and (from their perspective) what really happened and then there is always the TRUTH THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. And as somebody once said, “The truth WILL SET YOU FREE but FIRST, it will piss you off.” When you are an eyewitness to the low depths haters will go to cause harm or feel superior to someone… you may wanna throw hands with somebody or have a few choice words. Let it pass. Observe what’s going on to better access your environment. Be grateful for seeing what’s true and grateful for your ability to continue forward and rebuild. Be grateful for your angelic guidance from dangers seen and unseen. Be grateful at your opportunity to experience this life and make something cool or beautiful from it. But don’t absorb the madness outside people try to project or force you to watch. Just make a mental note and get back to your priorities and happiness. Think about all the things birds, dogs and cats witness without the ability to articulate it into English, Spanish, French or other human languages. Do they EVER FOR ONE SECOND STOP DOING bird, dog or cat things that make THEM HAPPY? Then why should you? Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo If you like this blog, please subscribe to my mailing list for a weekly newsletter to remind you to stay sane in this crazy world! To see MORE of my comedy, musical comedy or other content, subscribe to my YouTube Channel - @aaronacreates and check out my eStore |
AuthorComedian/YouTuber/Podcaster/Songwriter/Author AaronaTheVirgo sharing her humor and her life experiences. This blog is your weekly, witty Sunday inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world... and if you dare, laugh a little! ArchivesCategories |
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