9/15/2024 0 Comments Ep. 17 - The Glory of GodEp. 17 - The Glory Of God To Everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world. Today is Sept. 15, 2024 and before you know it, we'll be bringing in a NEW YEAR... again. First of all, let's reflect on the lives we lost already in 2024 and be grateful for their impact in our lives. Let's also consider whose lives can we touch with our own lives. We've all been blessed to see another week and favor continues to reign over us... we'll see another year. Since age 15, I've been taking all my birthdays VERY SERIOUSLY. I used to get really hard on myself about making sure "I'm counted amongst the fold" whether that be scholastically or even when I was on the standup circuit. If I wasn't amongst the conversation, I knew I wasn't doing enough. As I've gotten older my focus has been LESS on whether I'm counted amongst people and MORE on whether I'm counted in with the most high God. The more I've focused on my soul, the less bound and burdened I felt. The more I engage and search for God's glory on this Earthly realm... the more fun I have. The more I engage and search for God's glory on this Earthly planet... the more peace and fulfillment I find. The Glory of God as I see it is the spark of creativity that hit us in the same way it hit the ultimate creator of all things who envisioned us into being. The Glory Of God is the birth of babies and all the unique faces that populate this Earth plane. The Glory of God is the awareness and exchange of pure love. The Glory of God is the unexplainable miracles that happen in our lives. Things that happened for our hood when we were so in over our heads we couldn't ever take credit for it. For example, the beauty of nature is one of the strongest forms of the glory of God. So on this Sunday, whether you are stuck in traffic or betting on your favorite NFL Team, also think of the various ways YOU have witnessed or had access to the Glory of God. Think about your life and how well IT IS going simply because you are here and can participate in your interests and hobbies. Whether you make time to or not is up to you but you have the ability to enjoy them. Maybe this is your sign to enjoy them more if you have not been doing so. Yeah there are for sure gonna be times when life sucks! When it sucks - it sucks! There's no denying life's ickiness but to deceive ourselves into behaving as if it ALWAYS SUCKS is the trap. Start small take 10-30 minutes of your day and reserve it for something FUN TO YOU! It's not about what other people want, desire or prefer. It's about YOU and want YOU ENJOY! I guarantee you it will be time well spent. It that reserved time subconsciously what you are doing is "enjoying being alive". In that reserved time you are PRESENT in your own life. Your weekly takeaway to stay sane in this crazy world is "be present - some way, some how in your own life. By doing things or finding new things that light you up and excite you, you are connecting to the God DNA within you. You are displaying the traits you inherited from your Heavenly Father. When you're in that zone of life... none of the silly shit matters. One of my fave quotes is by Marianne Williamson. Since we had a hilarious presidential debate last week, it's fitting to cite a sane, based person who ran for Presidential office. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. We think 'who am I to be gorgeous, fabulous?' Well who are you not to be? There is NOTHING enlightened about shrinking... we were all born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us". Are you making manifest of the glory of God within you? If not, why not? You are only doing yourself a disservice and the last thing the world needs are more people who missed the magic within their own life being overly focused on the lives of others. Chase God's glory and let your light shine. Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader AaronaTheVirgo To see more of my comedy and musical comedy, Check out my YouTube Channel @aaronacreates
To Everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty, inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world. Today's blog falls on my 42nd Birthday. I'm reflective. I'm grateful and a bit anxious to really make this year count.
I've made a personal venture back into being a Zumba Instructor. Dancing is a delight of mine. It brought me great comfort after my divorce. It is also is an excellent form of exercise so it reinforces my well-being. Making my way back into things that bring me great joy has been the ultimate shield against all the noise of things that are draining or unproductive. This week, I spent some time in solitude and was reminded about Ecclesiates 1:14 "I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun and behold, all is vanity and striving after the wind". The Book of Ecclesiates was written by King Solomon, Israel's wealthiest king. King Solomon has been famously remembered as "the wisest king of Israel". In his latter years of life, he penned Ecclesiates. It was his judgment of everything he acquired and experienced in life. He concluded, it basically doesn't matter what you achieve or accumulate, when you die is all over. He alluded to the idea of "not being so attached to things because eventually everything fades". Interesting enough, he didn't say "Love is pointless". He never alluded to the receiving or giving of love being a pointless act. So your takeway for this week, to stay sane in this crazy world is "Wrap yourself in a blanket of love". Surround yourself with loving energy as much as possible. Starting first with you - how you talk to yourself and treat yourself. The extended out to what you allow from others and whether or not you are giving loving energy out. One way, I've personally focused on this practice is the SECOND I'm experiencing something unpleasant or uncomfortable, I pause within myself to think "how did I attract this to me? and what is this situation trying to teach me right now? Is it a test on whether I have mastered something I should have? or is it a banal coincidence?" Taking time to check-in with myself on this level has strengthen my boundaries with others. When there is no need to enforce a boundary, I contribute comedy and compliments. I'm making it practice to stay as light as possible because ultimately, Ecclesiastes 1:14 is VERY TRUE. I have lived long enough to see things I deeply prioritized not be half as important as it once was when I was ignorant or inexperienced. I've lost so many things over the years, I can say with full confidence it's the memories attach to the things I lost that I miss more than the thing (place or person) itself. The beauty of life is that we have the ability to make new memories until our life ends. If you are in constant pursuit of joy, beautiful memories and the sweetness of simplicity and practically, then you have plenty of fuel to create a wonderful life for yourself - despite what everyone else is doing. Chances are things are overhyped and exagerrated and you really aren't missing out on nothing. Focus on your joy and creating a blanket of love for yourself. You owe that to you and only a hater would try to block you from doing so ... they're always miserable and mad about something so nothing to worry your pretty head about! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To see more of my comedy and musical comedy content, Check Out My YouTube Channel - @aaronacreates For everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty inspiration to stay sane in a crazy world. Welcome back to the conversation this is THE PERFECT TIME to plug my previous blog "Stranger Than Fiction" cause what I discovered on Facebook last week is EXACTLY THAT.
I THOUGHT I had major problems being undermined due to my anatomy (my big booty and slim waist). For 30 years, I've been HYPERSEXUALIZED without me even having to SPEAK. The irony of that is I have a high IQ and was a nerdy,backpacking hip-hop head since my adolescence to my mid-20s. I never even owned a bikini til age 29 - and I made a YouTube Vlog about it. I became a stand-up comedian at 23 years old and thoroughout my entire career, there was envy and weirdness from women who didn't find themselves attractive and felt no one else did either. There were also numerous sexual advances (there STILL are to this day as recently as 5 last NIGHT lol) by men who liked what they saw and chose to diminish me. I've conditioned myself to give them the short end of my attention span or "fake listen" and smile at them. Then there are power hungry men who decide they are God and want to punish me for being a woman they cannot have their way with me Over the past 7 YEARS, this has been taken to SUCH A DESPICABLE LEVEL that I, a Black woman (woman of African descent created in the USA after slavery got abolished for the politically correct folks out there) has had my entire brand and web presence tarnished by catfishers misrepresenting and then my public reactions to it online. The most annoying and despicable part is BLACK PEOPLE who capitalized on Black pain and didn't do ANYTHING for Black People were INVOLVED in it! They stooped so low that they resulting in mail tampering, impersonation and smear campaigns to blogs to have MY NAME represent EVERYTHING ELSE BUT WHAT I REALLY AM - a comedian, a scholar, a visionary, a workaholic, an ambivert, a trailblazer doing everything she can to be pleasing in God's sight even if it conflicts with certain standards of mankind. To add insult to injury, some white lady pretending to me on my old Facebook page ERASING and DISCOUNTING 17 YEARS of HARDWORK AND SACRIFICE WHILE people tamper with my mail and try to put things on my record that are NOT TRUE to play around with my narrative like it's nothing. Like MY LIFE IS A GAME to some distorted creep with a wack personality. The question is WHOSE EGO is the false narrative about me for? WHY don't they have something better to do with their mind, money and time? Many of the people who GROUPED UP (eyeroll) to make things like what happened to my Facebook page occur is because they had a financial interest in making me disappear. Having to confront the reality of that is a lot to deal with. How have a dealt with it? Through remembering the promises of God over my life, prayer, scripture and a quote by Lyndsey Gallant. Gallant is quoted recalling her therapist visit in which her therapist said "Your anger is the part of you that LOVES YOU" and that is your takeaway for this week to stay sane in this crazy world. People who hurt you and repeatedly hurt you MEANT TO DO THAT. It's not an accident! Part of self-love is remembering that it was not an accident and believe what they show you. When people cannot take accountability for what they've done to you, they will always deny and gaslight you. Your job is to reject that and love on yourself more in spite of what they do. People (especially people outside of the situation) WILL GASLIGHT YOU and tell you, your anger in response to being violated is not classy or unnecessary. They may even gaslight you by saying your anger is pointless and ineffective. This is a perfect time to plug my previous blog, "Learn To Call Judgement". Letting things slide or staying silent is much more ineffective than continuing to accept abuse and let people benefit from the abuse go unnoticed and unscathed. Anger is your signal that something is wrong and if it continues to be ignored something WILL BREAK or not operate properly. Anger is your cue to leave or advocate for yourself. Anger is the reminder that you matter too! You matter MORE than the illusions people who cannot authentically be themselves cast and project because they are hiding behind a mask or persona. You have unique FINGERPRINTS and that was no accident just like the mistreatment you endured. They MEANT to do that. Recognize it, address it so you can move forward with peace and joy. Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To See More of my Comedy, Musical Comedy and Zumba Content, Check out my YouTube Channel - @aaronacreates |
AuthorComedian/YouTuber/Podcaster/Songwriter/Author AaronaTheVirgo sharing her humor and her life experiences. This blog is your weekly, witty Sunday inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world... and if you dare, laugh a little! ArchivesCategories |
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