To Everyone, especially artists, here is your weekly, witty, inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world. Today's blog falls on my 42nd Birthday. I'm reflective. I'm grateful and a bit anxious to really make this year count.
I've made a personal venture back into being a Zumba Instructor. Dancing is a delight of mine. It brought me great comfort after my divorce. It is also is an excellent form of exercise so it reinforces my well-being. Making my way back into things that bring me great joy has been the ultimate shield against all the noise of things that are draining or unproductive. This week, I spent some time in solitude and was reminded about Ecclesiates 1:14 "I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun and behold, all is vanity and striving after the wind". The Book of Ecclesiates was written by King Solomon, Israel's wealthiest king. King Solomon has been famously remembered as "the wisest king of Israel". In his latter years of life, he penned Ecclesiates. It was his judgment of everything he acquired and experienced in life. He concluded, it basically doesn't matter what you achieve or accumulate, when you die is all over. He alluded to the idea of "not being so attached to things because eventually everything fades". Interesting enough, he didn't say "Love is pointless". He never alluded to the receiving or giving of love being a pointless act. So your takeway for this week, to stay sane in this crazy world is "Wrap yourself in a blanket of love". Surround yourself with loving energy as much as possible. Starting first with you - how you talk to yourself and treat yourself. The extended out to what you allow from others and whether or not you are giving loving energy out. One way, I've personally focused on this practice is the SECOND I'm experiencing something unpleasant or uncomfortable, I pause within myself to think "how did I attract this to me? and what is this situation trying to teach me right now? Is it a test on whether I have mastered something I should have? or is it a banal coincidence?" Taking time to check-in with myself on this level has strengthen my boundaries with others. When there is no need to enforce a boundary, I contribute comedy and compliments. I'm making it practice to stay as light as possible because ultimately, Ecclesiastes 1:14 is VERY TRUE. I have lived long enough to see things I deeply prioritized not be half as important as it once was when I was ignorant or inexperienced. I've lost so many things over the years, I can say with full confidence it's the memories attach to the things I lost that I miss more than the thing (place or person) itself. The beauty of life is that we have the ability to make new memories until our life ends. If you are in constant pursuit of joy, beautiful memories and the sweetness of simplicity and practically, then you have plenty of fuel to create a wonderful life for yourself - despite what everyone else is doing. Chances are things are overhyped and exagerrated and you really aren't missing out on nothing. Focus on your joy and creating a blanket of love for yourself. You owe that to you and only a hater would try to block you from doing so ... they're always miserable and mad about something so nothing to worry your pretty head about! Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst Comedian and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo To see more of my comedy and musical comedy content, Check Out My YouTube Channel - @aarona_thevirgo
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AuthorComedian/YouTuber/Podcaster/Songwriter/Author AaronaTheVirgo sharing her humor and her life experiences. This blog is your weekly, witty Sunday inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world... and if you dare, laugh a little! Archives
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