Welcome Back To The Conversation. It’s been six days since Houston, Texas has been hit by Hurricane Beryl and my house is still without power. Yet I, my roommates and my neighbors who are also without power press on.
Being without power in our home has been inconvenient but not a impossible challenge. If anything, it brings you a reminder of what REALLY MATTERS IN LIFE. It reinforces your desire to provide for yourself and maintain a certain level of comfort. It forces you to reevaluate your priorities “just in case it all goes bad”. At the end of all of it, you still desire the basic things in life - food, shelter, cash flow, disposable income, clothes, shoes, safety and relaxation. When you have all your needs met. You don’t waste time thinking about people, places and things you cannot control. When you don’t have all your needs met, you don’t have time or luxury to focus on anything else but those needs. Everything outside of a need is a WANT. When you respond to life from a spiritual place, you know that you are drawn to certain things because what you want ALSO WANTS YOU. However, when you have some trauma, some of your wants come from a distorted place or toxic thinking patterns. Natural disasters come along and force you to reevaluate your wants. Why do you really want certain things? If it doesn’t come from a place of purpose (something God told you to do and you WANT to please God), a place of joy, a place of curiosity (cause we are souls having a human experience) or a place of love consider whether that WANT you have is healthy. Everyone IS BUSY doing things they think they need to do. These things are important from their perspective NOT some outer person’s perspective. I made a post a couple of days ago that people “who get mad at goals you have (which have nothing to do with them) are WEIRD AF to me”. Cause who are these ridiculous people that get angry at people they barely know, so-called friends or family members for having audacity to believe in themselves? WHAT KINDA CRACK PIPE SMOKING MENTALITY IS THAT? What kind of entitled, crabs in a barrel attitude is that? I see the devil in that. The devil was the first documented hater EVER! LOL! Adam and Eve were “naked and unashamed” according to the book of Genesis in the Bible. They were enjoying their nudity, their land and each other’s company until that hating ass snake who had the spirit of the devil showed up and started talking shit about God. Thus, the first “Devil’s Advocate” question was posed to make Eve and Adam feel insecure about their choices and beliefs. Then Adam and Eve did the human thing “taking action to save face and appear less silly” and ending up destroying their blessing and the favor they had over their lives altogether. Recall, EVERY ENCOUNTER you ever had with a hater. It had ALL THE SAME ELEMENTS of the Garden of Eden encounter Adam and Eve had with the snake. Haters LOVE to downplay or belittle your plans, your beliefs, your style, your partner’s fidelity, your partner’s looks, your looks, your abilities, etc just to poke holes in your self-esteem, your business or your peace. Here’s a tiny example. I went on a road trip with one of my jobs and bought a personal, digital fan that I can wear around my neck. It comes in handy in this Texas heat. One day, I’m walking down the street, minding my business and walking to a store. As I approach the intersection, some random chick leans out the passenger side of someone else’s ride (eye-roll) to yell out the window at me, “That little fan ain’t doing nothing in this heat”. My spirit INSTANTLY rejected it:) I quickly responded, “It’s doing ENOUGH!” and she leaned back in the car (that had both the windows down, eye-roll, cause what’s up with ya’ll A/C since you so worried about my little fan but WHATEVS) and shut her mouth as they pulled away and I finished crossing the street. Haters don’t ever know what to do with themselves and so they always try to tear other people down or steal their joy. Something in their spirit gets angry and bent outta shape by other people’s peace and joy. They don’t have ANY so they cannot fathom and sometimes REJECT the possibility of any. The first time I saw those little digital fans, I thought “How cool! That’s really smart. I need to get me one of those.” I saw a woman fanning herself with one and told her how dope the fan was, how smart she was and told her “You betta work it, I know that’s right! Stay cool out here,” and she laughed. When I saw my coworker had one in a box, I complimented him and I told him I’m getting me one of those. I told him people tell me they buy them from Amazon but I found stores that sell them. Then he told me HE SELLS THEM (cause it was a gift and he had extras) and I bought it from him and tipped him since his price WAS LOWER than the store - an offer I couldn’t refuse! Boom a complete SUCKA-FREE and HATER FREE attitude. For the FIRST REACTION of that random girl to be a spiteful comment suggesting “I look silly for having my fan” or “I wasted money on my fan cause it don’t work” came from a place of her lack and negative thinking. Which is why the best she could do was be an angry passenger inside a hot car INSTEAD of driving her own car with Arctic air circulating inside. I was literally happily walking down the street, playing my music and using my fan while leaving one air conditioned property to the next. Cause happiness is an inside job. It’s personal, not a group activity. So, the takeaway for this week to stay sane in a crazy world is ignore haters. Cause haters don’t even need reasons to be mad, they just possess anger and wickedness in their spirit. They don’t wanna change and you can’t make them change. They will always find a problem with you and you could be minding your business. They will lie on you cause they cannot fathom your truth. It seems unlikely or unreasonable to them but the brain they have is warped in wickedness so what do they really know? At the time of this blog, in the last 24 hours, one of our former US Presidents suffered a bullet wound from a very sketchy incident. It’s a very unfortunate incident but also a reminder that people are affected by unfortunate incidents in life and every has a story about what might have happened and (from their perspective) what really happened and then there is always the TRUTH THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. And as somebody once said, “The truth WILL SET YOU FREE but FIRST, it will piss you off.” When you are an eyewitness to the low depths haters will go to cause harm or feel superior to someone… you may wanna throw hands with somebody or have a few choice words. Let it pass. Observe what’s going on to better access your environment. Be grateful for seeing what’s true and grateful for your ability to continue forward and rebuild. Be grateful for your angelic guidance from dangers seen and unseen. Be grateful at your opportunity to experience this life and make something cool or beautiful from it. But don’t absorb the madness outside people try to project or force you to watch. Just make a mental note and get back to your priorities and happiness. Think about all the things birds, dogs and cats witness without the ability to articulate it into English, Spanish, French or other human languages. Do they EVER FOR ONE SECOND STOP DOING bird, dog or cat things that make THEM HAPPY? Then why should you? Love, Your Favorite Behavioral Analyst and Happiness Cheerleader, AaronaTheVirgo If you like this blog, please subscribe to my mailing list for a weekly newsletter to remind you to stay sane in this crazy world! To see MORE of my comedy, musical comedy or other content, subscribe to my YouTube Channel - @aaronacreates and check out my eStore
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AuthorComedian/YouTuber/Podcaster/Songwriter/Author AaronaTheVirgo sharing her humor and her life experiences. This blog is your weekly, witty Sunday inspiration to stay sane in this crazy world... and if you dare, laugh a little! Archives
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